Thursday 17 May 2012

Shock Art

Shock Art

Shock art is contemporary art that incorporates disturbing imagery, sound or scents to create a shocking experience. It is a way to disturb "smugs, complacent and hypocrital" people.

More information about shock art can be found here: 

Controversy - Controversy is a state of prolonged public dispute or debate, usually concerning a matter of opinion.

The canvas above is of famous child killer and molester Myra Hindley. Ironically the artist has used children's hands dipped in paint. This canvas was done by artist Marcus Harvey. The colour scheme is dull and depressing, creating and eerie atmosphere. 

The image on the left is titled 'Piss christ', being controversial seems to play a key part in marketing and selling art/photography. Many people will be offended that christ has been places in urine, many opinions will be made about this image. 

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