Thursday 17 May 2012

Mario Testino

I wanted to include some of his work on my blog as I feel it would be very inspiration. I really enjoy the lighting techniques that Testino uses, his work always looks flawless and perfect. I want to produce some beautifully lit image. I want to have the confidence to do some further work in the studio using the Bowens lighting kit.

I really like the image above by Mario Testino, it's very modern and edgy. Harsh lighting has been used to light the model; this gives the image an openness feel. It also gives the photograph clarity by being so clear and flawless. The lighting has highlighted the models facial structure perfectly and also causing a shadow underneath the models chin and jaw line. The backdrop is a cool blue/green colour, this helps to create a calm atmosphere. However, this doesn't match the models fierce and wild facial expression. The styling of the model is modern and edgy;  

The image above is very feminine. The lighting is very soft and gentle, and has only lit one side of the models face. The other side is totally shadowed. This adds a mysterious side to the model, adding a devious and dark side to the image. The model has been lit from the front and photographers right hand side and a slightly above angle. This can be seen from how the models facial and upper body structure is highlighted. The models lace glove features small delicate flowers on it. This could represent the models personality and nature.

I have decided to include this image in my blog, as it is a location shoot. I particulary like the contrast between the shabby and battered wall and the perfect model. The lighting makes the models skin glow a golden tone. The composition uses the rules of the thirds. This is the damaged pillar on the right, the model in the centre and the bag she is holding on the left. I feel the intention of this photograph was to advertise the clothing featured. Personally my eyes are instantly drawn to the pristine cream/white dress.

I decided to include this photograph in my blog as I really like the busy and chaotic atmosphere being caused. The arms and motion blur of the arms help to show the action must be going on in the scene. This is a behind the scene shot of Kate Moss modelling, having touch ups and alterations done to her outfit in-between shots. I like how contrasted the black and white is, it gives the model a sense of importance and authority. The lighting on this image is quite harsh, a flash has been used. The reflection of this can be seen in the models sunglasses. The flash has picked up detail which natural lighting perhaps may have not.

This is another image shot by Mario Testino. The intention of the photograph is to advertise mens fragrance Versace. The concept of the aftershave is to show the viewer that by purchasing this product, they will instantly have sex appeal and attraction from the opposite sex. The position of the hands show a sense of passion and lust. The female model also appears to be naked. Men viewing this advertisement may actually believe that the aftershave could make this scenario happen to them. This obviously is not the case. This image has been shot using a flash, that is very subtle and soft on the models skin. The flash has also been aimed at the top half of their bodies. This is evident because detail of the females naked body has not been highlighted, intact her body is shadowed. 

This image was taken for an advertising campaign for Burberry London, this is an English clothing brand. The brand has a history of being quite expensive and very luxurious. The setting reminds me of the interior of a glamorous English home. The styling on this model appears to be quite unusual. The model is dressed in jeans and a casual t-shirt along with an expensive looking coat. I feel the intent is to make Burberry seem affordable and more casual. This is because the styling in the image is very laid back. The image has been lit with a flash, this is quite evident. The right hand side of the image is lit perfectly, the model is lit all over evenly. However, on the left hand side there are darker patches. These can sometimes appear when a flash is present. 
The model is featured off centre, this is unusual for an advertising campaign. The clothing or product being sold usually takes up nearly the entire frame. The models stance is confident, and also quite strong. His expression is very serious implying the company 'means business' literally.

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