Thursday 17 May 2012

Dennis Pederson - Still Life

When researching I came across this photographer. I felt I should include his work in my blog because he does very interesting still life work. My photography is very varied but I felt I needed some more still life inspiration.

I find the image above very beautiful and very visually interesting. There are lots of different jewellery pieces which are situated on snow. This advertising campaign could help boyfriends or husbands find a potential gift for their partners at christmas. The snow also features berries and some leaves which could signify what time of year it is. All of the jewellery is lit perfectly, highlighting every diamond or gemstone. The snow appears to be untouched, this gives a fantasy theme to the image. Untouched snow often appears in movies and on television. 

By researching this photographer, I have learnt that seasons are very popular to include in advertising campaigns. And there is many different ways in which to do this. This advert is advertising Chanel summer collection nail polish. The photograph shows the shadow of the flower inside of the nail polish pot. I have realised this is to portray the sun shining on the flower; this again emphasises summer. The colours in the advertisement are also very vibrant, again showing bright summery colours. 

This advertisement is selling the product Loverdose perfume by Diesel. The background shows the perfume bottle smashing through a glass panel. The background is chaotic and cracked immensely. This shows action and power. 

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