Thursday 17 May 2012

Perception Photography


  1. The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
  2. The state of being or process of becoming aware of something in such a way.

I have named this project perceptions. I did this project a while back, including images of many different people. I used Photoshop to create different layered images. So I used an image of an eye but layered another photograph over the top of it. As if this is what that particular eye was seeing. I started off by researching various images of eyes that I felt were unusual or interesting. 

Although the image above is only a stock image it shows the idea which I wanted to make my own. The eye features a world map around it. This could potentially mean this person wants to see and travel the world. The eye colour has been changed, this makes the eye tie in almost as it is part of the map. The position of the eye on the map could also indicate where the human comes from or lives presently. I like how each of the images could portray several different meanings. 

The image above shows how high quality my images will need to be. The photograph above has been highly edited creating a highly contrasted photograph. The iris of the eye is strong and almost looks like electrical currents. 

The image above inspired me most as it had another image Photoshopped into it. The fish water and bubbles have all been photographic manipulated into the image. 

Examples of My Work

The image above is one of my final images. I am quite pleased with it, as i feel the editing worked really well. This image was produced by taking a photograph of my grandmas face and overlaying an image of entwined blossom branches. 

This image is a self portrait which has then been over layered with a busy night road scene. I think the two work well together and create a very unique outlook. The image uses use of lines which draws the viewers eyes right the the centre of my photograph (my eye). 

I like the patchwork effect that was made through editing this photograph of an eye. The colours work well together and match the iris of the eye in the image. I colour burned the eyelashes the make them bold and stand out. 

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