Sunday 21 August 2011

Photoshoot One

After I came up with the concept and location of the shoot, I asked a good friend of mine (Maria) to model for me. I am used to photographing her as we have done a couple of shoots together before. I also asked Josh, who hasn't modeled before to come along and have a few shots taken. I felt this would be quite challenge for me, as Josh was a little nervous and apprehensive to be photographed. I have also never worked with two models on one shoot before. 

However, the shoot went quite well and I feel I have produce a good few final images. These will be featured in the book I will create when I go back to university next month. 

I really like the shot above of Maria, I have tried to incorporate some of the ideas I found while researching. I like to take very feminine photographs, so included this in the styling and pose. In my opinion the pose and composition flatters the models dainty and elegant figure. 

The photograph above is of Josh, who wasn't keen on having his photograph taken. When shooting i opted for a more natural feeling to his photographs, so he felt more comfortable. This made the shots of him look more relaxed and I felt the outcome was good. I decided to do a 'faded' editing technique on the images as I thought it was quite effective. I have applied this to all of the final images from this shoot so it makes them link together as a set. 

I really like this shot because I took the photograph through the long grass and plants. I wanted to use 'depth of field' on the model so that the main focus was still on her - I really like the effect this has created. 

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