Sunday 21 August 2011


I love looking on typing in random keywords which come into my head. I knew that I wanted to do a fashion/portraiture shoot in a rural location. So, I used words such as; countryside, rural, fashion/portraitrue, underwear shoot and ballet. Below are some of the results which I found and loved;

I really like the 'faded' effect the photograph above has, I may try this out with selected images of my own. I feel the effect portrays a sense of summer, because of the colours used (orange and yellow) which could refer to the sun. I also really like that the image has been taken through the plants, giving variation of textures.

I am also planning to use the location (which i posted in the previous post) for an underwear/glamour shoot. I wanted to try something different over summer so have decided to give it ago. In my opinion the location works really well, viewers eyes are immediately drawn to the model. I feel this is because of the bold pink underwear - others might not agree. aha.

I really like these awkward poses, but the model looks in pain.

The image above inspired me because it is so feminine and has an overall 'gentle' feel. The editing gives the photo a slight aged/vintage feel, which works well with the subject. I also like how the models facial identity is left a mystery as the photo only contains her legs and feet. 

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