Sunday 22 January 2012

Fuji Competition - 'Extreme'

Extreme is the theme for the Fuji student awards 2012. The brief is to capture the word 'extreme' in a photograph or a series of images. I am going to be researching into this topic to help inspire ideas for my own work which I will enter into the competition.


Reaching a high or the highest degree; very great: "extreme cold".
Either of two abstract things that are as different from each other as possible.

‘Extreme’ encompasses many things:
Sports, action, adrenalin, weather, wealth, poverty, heat, cold, passion. 

I have decided to research into the topic of 'wealth' further, as I feel this would be an interesting theme to explore. Below will show the research which I have conducted to help discover my own concept.

'Wealth is the abundance of valuable resources or material possessions.' 

Keywords; Luxury, Rich, Glamour, Wealthy, Comfortable, Flash, Lavish, Precious, Valuable, Priceless.

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